I know.
He just looks awesome right.
Way to go, TOP.
Okay, so what's up with life.
Nothing really.
This holiday have been inevitably filled with the monotonous demands of teachers and homework.
So our time is probably all used up on homework.
And my mother showed me some video,
It was about maids from really poor family background,
coming to singapore to work to improve their lifesytle,
to work, for the better.
So this maid,
worked in singpore,
bearing all greivances,
all mistreats and unfairness that her employer poses on her,
without any off-day,
for four years.
She vent out those pent-up anger and sadness in torrential, lonely cries.
Her sole motivation is her child,
and the aim of buying a land and clearing the barrage of debts back home.
Despite being introduced to THREE different homes within four years,
and having to bear with sardonic remarks and dark looks casted to her,
She never said a word. At all.
Maybe this post, should be a dedication to the foreign domestic workers to came all the way here to work.
Some of you must be thinking i am mad.
NO i am not.
Okay bye.